Date Given name (s) Common name Surname of Notes
16790613 Martha Martha Jowett Thornton
16800408 Sarah Sarah Jowett Thornton
16810519 Ann Ann Jowett Thornton
16820105 Martha Martha Jowett Thornton Wife of John Jowett
16820312 (Unknown) Jowett Mallom in Thornton Child of Jonas Jowett
16840101 (Unknown) Jowit Thornton Wife of Jonas Jowit, clerk, of Thornton
16850427 Abel Abel Jowett Clayton
16851206 Mary Mary Jowett Thornton
16860131 Martha Martha Jowett Clayton d. of Abraham Jowett
16900319 Sarah Sarah Jowet Wilsden
17070217 James James Jowet Thornton s. of John Jowet of Thornton
17080921 Martha Martha Jowet Allerton
17090108 Martha Martha Jowet Clayton
17090111 John John Jowet Thornton s. of John Jowet of Clayton
17150117 Sarah Sarah Jowett Clayton
17160623 Israel Israel Jowett Thornton Mason
17170114 Mary Mary Jowett Thornton d. of Isaac Jowett, weaver of Thornton
17170403 William William Jowett Thornton
17170909 Sarah Sarah Jowett Thornton w. of Isaac Jowett of Thornton
17180107 Archalous Archalous Jowett Clayton Labourer
17180514 Grace Grace Jowett Manningham
17180514 Jonas Jonas Jowet Thornton
17180514 Jonas Jonas Jowett Thornton
17181126 John John Jowet Manningham Alehouse
17230104 Benjamin Benjamin Jowett Thornton s. of Benjamin Jowett of Thornton, mason
17230703 Jude Jude Jowett Wilsden
17240626 Jonathan Jonathan Jowet Wilsden Jonathan Jowet of Wilsden, lab, half dues
17241017 John John Jowett Clayton s. of Israel Jowett of Clayton, labourer
6 March 1999

Copyright S D Jowitt