Jowett records in Halifax 1538 - 1593

These records have been extracted from the transcript of the Halifax records for the period 1538 - 1593 published in two volumes by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society: YPRS/37 (baptisms) and YPRS/45 (marriages and burials)

Considering the close proximity of Halifax to Bradford there are surprisingly few records (7 marriages, 4 baptisms and 3 burials), though many variants, including Joyeth, Joyett, Jawwet and Jowette are represented. The commonest is Jowett.

There are few persistant threads to follow. Miles Jowett of Bradford, married 1541("Milo Joyeth de Bradford") and buried 1577 ("Myles Jowwet de Bradforthe") is significant, not only because he is the earliest Jowett entry found in Parish records so far, but also because he represents a direct link between the secular records of the medieval period and parish records - Miles is down in the muster roll of 1539 as Miles Jooet of Bradford, archer.

Halifax parish covers a wide area, and even during the 16th century was served by two chapels; Elland (1559, covered the nine townships of Barkisland, Elland, Fixby, Greetland, Norland, Rastrick, Rishworth, Soyland and Stainworth) and Heptonstall (1593, Erringden, Heptonstall, Langfield, Stansfield and Wadsworth). The remaining townships - Halifax, Hipperholme, Midgley, Northowram, Ovenden, Shelf, Skircoat, Southowram, Sowerby and Warley - were covered directly by the mother church of St John the Baptist at Halifax. The pre-reformation chapels at Coley, Illingworth, Lightcliffe, Luddenden, Southowram, Sowerby and Sowerby Bridge, were rarely used during the late 16th century.

c=christening, m=marriage, i=burial

Date Event Given name Common name Surname Parents/Spouse of Notes
15410522 m Milo Miles Joyeth Johanna Grenewood Bradford It. Milo Joyeth pe de Bradford et Johanna Grenewood
15450808 c Johes John Joyett Johane Joyett and William Pykerd Johes fil. bast. Wi Pykerd and Johane Joyett
15500000 m John John Jowett Halifax
15500929 m Johes John Jowett Ellen Qwitley
15740509 c Marye Mary Jowett George Jowett Hipperholme Marye fil. Georg Jowett de Hyporu
15770325 i Myles Miles Jowett Myles Jowwet de Bradforthe
15781012 m Richard Richard Jowette Jenet Shawe
15781026 m Alyc Alice Jowet John Wilsone
15790412 c Georg George Jawett George Jawett Southowram Georg. fil. George Jawett de Southor.
15810806 m Effane Effane Jowet Robert Loydge
15820219 m Margaret Margaret Jowett Robert Farren
15830630 c Johne John Jawwet James Jawwet Sowerby Johne fil. James Jawwet de Sourbie
15870517 i Jennet Janet Jowwett Halifax Jennet Jowwett de Halifax
15870528 i (Unknown) Jowwet Sowerby Ux James Jowwet de Sourbie
28 August 1998

Copyright S D Jowitt