Bradford Index

Jowett Burials at Bradford Cathedral
1726 - 1750

This data was extracted from the microfiche copy of the original parish records for Bradford Cathedral which are available at the West Yorkshire Archives Service in Leeds and in Bradford (ref WYAS/40D90). They include all marriages for Jowett and variants for the period.

Please note that the manuscripts are recordered in varying qualities of handwriting and there is some damage, so almost certainly some data is missed.

I have included the given names as recorded as well as in a modern format ("common name") to assist in searching.

Date Given name (s) Common name Surname of Notes
17260603 William William Jowet Ecclesall Labr. Eccleshill
17260723 Mary Mary Jowet Bradford Spr. Bradford
17270522 Sarah Sarah Jowet Great Horton Ch of John of Great Horton
17270612 Martha Martha Jowet Great Horton Ch of John of Gt Horton
17271210 Timothy Timothy Jowet Bowling Labr. Poor of Bolling
17280513 George George Jowet Bradfrod Bas of Hanah of Bradford
17291110 Susana Susannah Jowet Manningham W of Isaac snr of Maningham
17291224 William William Jowet Bradford Carier, Bradford
17300312 (blank) Jowet Great Horton Ch. of James Jowet jnr of Gt Horton
17310605 James James Jowet Great Horton Snr of Gt Horton
17310718 Sara Sarah Jowet Clayton Widow
17311225 Jno. John Jowet Ecclesall
17320104 Eliz. Elizabeth Jowet Great Horton
17320305 Susanna Susannah Jowet Bradford D of Danl. of Bradford
17330614 Hannah Hannah Jowet Manningham D of Isaac, labr. of Manningham
17330620 (blank) Jowet Manningham Inf of Wm. Skinnr. Manningham
17340506 Nathan Nathan Jowet Ecclesall Jnr. Eccleshill
17350501 Abraham Abraham Jowit Manningham Maningham
17350923 Isaac Isaac Jowit Manningham
Ch of Isaac jnr of Maningham
17360124 Sarah Sarah Jowit Bowling W of John, Clor. Bowling
17361111 (blank) Jowit Manningham Inf of William, skinner of Maningham
17370111 Betty Elizabeth Jowit Bradford Ch of Hannah
17370221 Joseph Joseph Jowit Bradford Ch of Benjamin, comr, Bradford
17370412 Wm. William Jowit Manningham Ch of Jacob, Maningham
17370427 Mary Mary Jowit Bowling D of John, labr, Bowling
17370617 Sarah Sarah Jowit Great Horton Ch of john, Joiner of Gt Horton
17371226 John John Jowit Manningham 'oth fold in Maningham
17371230 Susanna Susannah Jowit Ecclesall W of Nathan, yeo, Eccleshill
17381002 Mary Mary Jowit Bradford Wid. (different handwriting) Bradford
17390302 Jno John Jowit Great Horton S of Jno., joiner, Great Horton
17390801 John John Jowit Wibsey
17390902 Isaac Isaac Jowit Manningham
17400226 Nathan Nathan Jowit Ecclesall Yeoman of Eccleshill
17400426 Paul Paul Jowit Great Horton S of James, Gt Horton
17401118 Jacob Jacob Jowet Manningham Ch of Jacob of Manningham
17410113 Sarah Sarah Jowet Bowling
17410614 Martha Martha Jowit Heaton
17410728 Anne Ann Jowet Bowling D of Jno., clor. Bowling
17420309 Mary Mary Jowett Great Horton Ch of Jam. Gt Horton
17430215 Jno. John Jowet Bowling
17430603 Walter Walter Jowet Leeds
17480105 Hannah Hannah Jowett Bradford Spr.
17480503 Henry Henry Jowett Manningham S of Wm of Manningham
17500514 Mary Mary Jowett Manningham W of Jno, skinner of Manningham
5 December 2000

Copyright S D Jowitt