This is the will of Thomas Jowt of Heaton in Bradforddale, written by him on the 13th April 1538, shortly before he died. It is the oldest known extant Jowett will in Yorkshire.
Little is revealed about Thomas himself other than that he possessed a farmstead in Heaton (the Cladd) as well as lands in Bingley. It does tell us a good deal about his family though; he had one daughter - Margaret - and five sons - John, William, Edward, Thomas and Richard. Margaret and Richard are under 20 years of age.
He also names two sisters - Effam and Johan - and one brother, Richard, who had a son Thomas. It also names what appear to be three step children - Jane, Anne and Thomas Tonge and their mother, Johan Tongue. Johan was most probably the testators second wife.
Thomas is named in the subsidy rolls of 1524 - "Thomas Jowett of Heaton, taxed on goods valued at 40s 12d". His son Thomas is listed in the 1545 rolls, taxed on £1.0s.1d.
Probate was granted 17 August 1538.
No grandchildren are listed, but as it would appear that the four eldest sons are of age, I would guess that Thomas was born in the last quarter of the 15th century, probably around 1480 -90 making him in his fifties when he died. This fact, and that he had five sons, make it a realistic possibility that Thomas could be an ancestor to anyone researching Jowetts in the Bradford area, including Joseph and Maximilian Jowett of Rowley, Massachusetts.
Indeed, Frederick Clarke Jewett makes reference to a Harlien Society Report (vol XVIII) which names William Jewett (sic), Mayor of Chester in 1578 as second son of Thomas Iwett of Heyton in Bradford Dale; this is almost certainly William, son of this testator. It goes on to name Thomas's wife as Elizabeth, daughter to *** Shakellton of Myddopp in Heptonstall in the parish of Halifax. FCJ then makes mention of the coat of arms but stops short of saying that William is the father of Edward, father of Joseph and Max. There is no direct evidence of the link from Thomas through William to Edward and, whilst some workers have proposed it, it has not generally been accepted within Jewett genealogical circles.
Now prove it!
In the name of God Amen.
I Thomas Jowt of heton in bradfordall in the countie of york, of hooll mind and goode memory loved be god the xiij day of Aprill in the yer of our lord god m ccccc xxxviii maketh this my last will and testament in manner and forme following.
First I bequeath my soulle to god almightly my maker and redemer and my bodie to be buried in the churche yarde of god and Saint Peter of Bradforth.
Also I bequeath to Margaret my daughter part of my goods to the value of fyftie marks (One mark = two thirds of a pound) and my new chymneth (fireplace or stove) for and in the name of her childe part.
Also I bequeath to the sacrement of the Awter iij marks iiij d to be bestowed thereof by Thomas Ecope, Tristram Bollynge and Richard Hylle.
Also I bequeath to John my son xx £ and my counter (table or desk) for and in the name of his childes part.
Also I bequeath to William my son v £ for and in the name of his childes part for as much I have maid the cost of him to get hym lernynge.
Also I bequeth to Edward my son xx marks for and in the name of his childes part.
Also I bequeath to Richard my brother xx marks.
Also I bequeath to Effame my sister xx marks.
Also to Johan (Joan) my sister xx marks.
Also to Thomas Jowte my brother Richards son vi marks viij d.
Also to Isabell my (friend?) xx marks.
Also to Jaine Tonge xx marks.
Also I give and bequeath to Thomas and Richard my sons all my farmehold in heyton and my lease and take of my farmholde called the Cladd and all my cattell that is to say nawte(?) shepe hors and mares.
And the residue of my howshoulde since before not bequeathed equally and indifferently to be devyded between them at the say and order of the said Tristram Bollynge, Richard Hyll, William Stede of Beldon and [John] Grenall for and in the name of the childes parts.
Also I will that Richard Hylle have the custodye and bringynge upe of two of my children that is to whit Richard and Margaret and the same Richard to have the order rewell and occupation of such goods and other things which before I have bequeathed them unto such tyme as the said Richard Jowt and Margaret or either of them be of the ageof xx years and then to deliver that childes part at the sight of the said Tristram Bollynge, William Stede and John Grenall.
Also I will that the said Tristram and Thomas Ecope and Richard Hyll order rule and dispose Edwarde my son as it is determined betwyxt me and theme after there discresion and at my trust is in them.
Also where I have made a bargayn with Robert Beldon for certaine lands in Bingley whereof I have paid to the said Robert in hande viij £ xx d and the residue is to be paid to the said Robert as it xperithe by our obligation remanynge in the hand of the said Tristram Bollynge which is maide by the said Robert for the assurance of the said lands for which manner I make ande order the said Tristram Bollynge my depute and by this my last will and giveth him full [authority] and power to execute and order the same matter after his discretion to the use and the performing of this my last will and as my trust is in him.
Also I will the said Tristram and Richard Hille put John Chylde part by me to him bequeathed into suche menee hands or else to dispose and order the same as they shall thynke most convenient and shalle fot the most profit of the said John.
Also I bequeath for Nicholye Yowte (variant of Jowett?) my (friend?) xj marks xiij d. Also to William Halewell xx d.
Item to William Smithy xx d.
Also I also will that Jane Tonge have her Childes part delyvered that is to say whyche I have received at the marriage of her mother. Also I will that Anne Tonge be paid five nobles (One noble = one third of a pound) as her childes part which remains in my handes. Also I will that Thomas Tonge have his childes part delivered, that is to say iiij £ xx d which remaineth in my handes and to take xx marks of Robert Atkinson which Johan the mother of the saide Thomas Tonge delyverde to the said Atkinson. Also to take x marks of Thomas Puarde whiche the residue of all the hooll chyldes parte of the said Thomas Tonge.
Also I make and order the said Tristram, Richarde Hylle and my chyldren my executors and Master Edward Bollynge my supvisors to se that this my will be performed accordyng and after the trew intent as is above writen they being witness Master Edwarde Bollynge, Thomas Ecope, Tristram Bollynge, Richard Beldon, Richard Hylle, John Grenall and others.
Probate granted 17 Aug 1538
Thomas was the son of Thomas Jowett of Heaton whose will is the oldest known Jowett will in Yorkshire. Indeed Thomas the younger's will, only 20 years younger, is the next oldest.
From the will we know that Thomas farmed land held by lease from Thomas Parkinson and his wife Jane, probably the same land farmed by his father (referred to as "the Cladd") which was left to him and his brother Richard in Thomas th'elder's will of 1538. Richard does not get a mention in this will.
Thomas the younger was outlived by a wife Ann and two sons - John and James. Also
frequently mentioned in the will are his "trusted" brother William Jowett (who
may well be the William Jowett, later Mayor of Chester) and, along with his sister
Margaret, these are the only siblings to get a mention, despite the fact that he had at
least 4 others! Other characters include Robert Craven - both thelder and younger -
and Nicholas, Elizabeth and Jane Tong. We know from his fathers will that Jane is
his step sister, and maybe Elizabeth and Nicholas are also step siblings.
Thomas Joet of Heaton is listed in the 1539 Muster Rolls as Archer, "A bow and a horse"
Thomas died in 1558, only 20 years after his father and leaving only two children. Though he was of age in 1538 he probably died relatively young putting his estimated birth date at about 1515, give or take a couple of years. Thomas is listed in the 1545 rolls, taxed on £1.0s.1d
In the name of God Amen
Ye xxj day of May in the year of our lord god 1557 I Thomas Jowitt of Heiton within the parish of Bradford being of goode mynd and of sound memory do order confidate and make my last will and testament in the manner following.
First I give and bequeath my soule unto God almighty my creator and redeemer to our blessed lady and to all the holy company in heaven and my body to be buried where it shall please God to provide a place for me.
Item. I give and assign the lease and loans of my farmehold and all such terms and yeres as I have on the same of the demise and grannt of Mr Thomas Parkingsonne and Lady Jane his wife unto Anne my wife until she does get remarried and after that to all my children which live I put into the hande of Robert Cravin the younger and Nicholas Tongue safely to be kept to the foresaid use.
Item. I will that all ye portion the forsaid Anne my wife to marry then I will she shall avoid from the said farmehold and then I give and assign the same unto John Jowitt my sonne and during his non aige to be (joinded?) at the first to William Jowitt my brother and Robert Cravin the younger.
Item. I will that the said John Jowitt shall not assign nor lett the said farmehold to no person nor persons but that it shall remayne from one site to another during all the forsaid termes and yeres and if it (happen?) the foresaid children to dye before the foresaid terms and yeres be ended then I will that the foresaid farnehold shall remain unto William my brother to his children during such termes as shall then to share.
Item. I hertily desire the said William Jowet my brother to tayke my sonne James Jowett and his childe portion in to his hande as he like and use him as my most special trust is in him.
Item. I give unto Elizabeth Tong one bushell rye in the hands of William Baldon.
Item. I give unto Jane Tong xvjl
Item. Concerning one chymneth which is in my house my sister Margarett claymeth upon me I put to the order of Nicholas Tong, John Tyler, Robert Craven thelder and Robert Craven the younger and John Pownall of Bradford.
The residue of all my goods, chattels and debt owing to me I give and bequeath unto the foresaid Anne my wife and to all my foresaid children whom I ordain and make my executors.
Item. I will that William Jowett my brother, Nicholas Tong, Robert Craven younger shall be signatory of this my last will and they being witness John Lister, Robert Craven thelder, James Illingworth and John Northend, Robert Craven younger, Thomas Garthe.
Probate granted 6 October 1558
John is the son of Thomas Jowt of Heaton (see will of 1538), and brother to Thomas Jowett of Heaton (will 1558). It is clear that the family are quite wealthy as John now has farms in Heaton and Shipley as well as a servant Elizabeth Royds and debts owing to him from his brother William. It also makes mention of his wife Ellen, and sons William (eldest), Robert (youngest) and Richard, as well as daughter Ann.
In the name of of Amen. The xiiijth day of december the yeare of our lorde god a thousand five hundreth seventy ffower. I John Jowet of Heaton in the Countie of Yorke and parish of Bradford being of good minde and perfect remembrance praysed be to god do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath my soule to almighty god my creator trusting onlie to be saved by the meritte of Jesus Christ my redeemer and by no other intent now I give my bodie to be buried where it shall please god to accounte.
Item. I give to Ellen my wife my full intereste ot title of the farmehold whereupon I now dwell with the appertainant and all of the title of the farmehold which I have in Shipley during her widowhoode. But if it fortune that she do marie or else depart of this world then my will is that William my eldest son have all the intereste of the farmeholde at Heaton and that Robert my youngest sone have the sole remainder of all the farmeshoulde at Shipley.
Item. I do give to Anne my daughter vil xiijs iiid owte of my whole goode besides her childe porcion and also iijl vjs viiid owte of a bill which my brother William Jowet standeth charged unto me provided always that she be ordered in her marriadge withe the admiss of her mother, Robert Shawe, Willm Pickard, Richard Jowett and others her friende whose councell is the wisest followinge her owne appetyte. Then I will that all the money to her before bequeathed do approve unto all my other children to be equally devided amongste them.
Item. I do give to Richard my sonne the whole bill that my brother William standeth charged to me except that which before I have given to Anne my daughter. Upon this condition that he do aplie his booke and continewe at learnynge. But if he do not applie his book otherwayes givinge him selffe then the whole parte of that Bill shalle be devided amongst my other children and he to have no parte nor parcell thereof same onlie his porcion of the whole goods.
Item. I do appointe Ellen my wife to have the custodie and upbringing of Robert my youngest sonne with his whole porcion till he comes to yeares of discretion.
Item. I give to Elizabeth Roydes my servante two ewe sheep that so longe as she remayneth at the house as servant to have the same kepte. The residue of all my goodes, my debts paide and funeral expenses deducted I do give to Ellen my wife, William and Roberte my sones whome I do make my full executors of this my last will and testamente. Lastly I do constitute and ordaine Roberte Shawe, William Pickarde, Richarde Jowett, Robert Midgeley and William Hobson supvisors of this my last will and testament. Their witness Xrofer Taylor, Richarde Pollarde, Robert Midgeley and William Hobson.
Transcribed and Copyright S D Jowitt April 2001
This will represents the third generation of Heaton Jowetts, after those of his father John Jowett of Heaton and his grandfather, Thomas Jowt of Heaton.
In the name of God amen. The eight and twentie day of March in the yeare of our lord One Thousand Sixe Hundred and Seven, I William Jowet of Heaton in the parish of Bradford, of whole minde and perfect memorye foilling the infirmitie of my body do ordaine and make my testament concerning my last will in manner and forme following. First I give and bequeath my soule to almightie God my creator trusting in the means and merits of Jesus Christ alone to have my salvation, and bodye to be buried in the Church or Churchyarde of Bradford.Item. I will that my children porcions such as be in my hande undischarged shall be payde unto them of my whole goods and debts paid.
Item. I give to Anise my wife the third of all my goods. And I give unto her the tenement or farmontoe (?) which I have in my own proper tenure or occupation at this present time all the yeares which is as yet to expire and spend if she keep her my lawful wife but if she marie before the lease be spent my will is she shall but have the halfe thereof and the other half to go and remaine to Richard Jowet my second son. Further if she dye my lawful wife before the yeares be expired or spente, my will is that Richard Jowet my son shall have all the grant which shall be then to expire and spend.
Item. I give to Richichard (sic) Jowet ffoure ponds tenne shillings.
Item. I give to John Jowet my youngest son ffive pounds and to anise Armigill beinge her grandfather one [dime?] heffer by [layisie?] and further I give to everye childe which I am grandfather or godfather to xijd and to ffrancis Jowet wife of William Jowet ijs
And of this my last will I make Anise Jowet my wife, William Jowet, Richard Jowet, James Jowet and John Jowet joynte executors debts which I have owinge of John Jowet xijs William Bollan viijs and of James Bane xxs.
The substance of William Jowte will
William Jowet his marke
Written in the presence of Thomas Shorte, James Shorte and others
Testm. Jewet Webster.
Transcribed and Copyright S D Jowitt April 2001
Copyright S D Jowitt