Admin papers for Isaac Jowett late of Thornton in the parish of Bradford in the Diocese of York, weaver, presented by his widow Mary Jowett of Thornton, John Jowett of Thornton, stuffmaker and Matthew Bairstow of Thornton, corn maker, 3 July 1800
Signed by name, Matthew Baristow and John Jowett, with the mark of Mary Jowett
I do hereby certify that Mary Jowett, the relict and administratrix within named was sworn and the within bond duly executed by the said Mary Jowett and her Sureties by virtue and in the pursuance of the commission hereunto annexed this third day of July in the year of our Lord 1800 as witness my hand.
John Pope(Prosse?), Surrogate.
Passed 12th July 1800 .....under £40
Signed by name, Sarah Jowett and Thomas Hooson, with the mark of William Hooson.
I do hereby certify that on the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord 1804, Sarah Jowett, the administratrix within named was duly sworn before me to administer. And that the whole of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the within mentioned Intestate, within the Diocese of York do not amount in value to the sum of one hundred pounds.
Witness my Hand James Branks, Surrogate.
Passed 1st November 1804. Under 100s
(Is this the James baptised at Illingworth 15 Sep 1737, son of James
Jowett of Northowram? Sarah may be Sarah Bates, who married James Jowett at Halifax 7 Apr
1760 [IGI])
Signed by name, Sarah Jowett, Tho L Porter and Rd Dewhirst.
I do hereby certify that on the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord 1816, Sarah Jowett, the administratrix within named was sworn duly to administer, and that the whole of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the within mentioned Intestate within the Diocese of York do not amount in value to the sum of two hundred pounds.
Witness my Hand John Taylor, Surrogate.
(It this the James and Sarah Jowett of Royd’s Green, Rothwell?)
Signed by name Elizabeth Jowett, Jonas Smith and Benjamin Spence.
I do hereby certify that on the eighteenth day of August in the year of our lord 1817, Elizabeth Jowett the administratrix within named was sworn duly to administer, and that the whole of the goods, chattels and credits of the deceased within mentioned, within the diocese of York, do not amount in value to the sum of one hundred pounds.
Witness my hand Thos Howorth Surrogate
Passed 3 Sept 1817, under £100.
Jonas was the son of Jonas of Great Horton, clothier, whose will is dated 17 May 1803. He was baptised at Pudsey
26 Dec 1760 and married Elizabeth (unknown). They had one child mentioned in the will of
Jonas Sr. - Joseph of Little Horton.
Admin papers for William Jowett of Horton in the parish of Bradford and county of York, maltster, presented by his father Jonas Jowett of Horton, gent, Samuel Lumby of Horton, farmer, and Michael Billinglsey of Bowling, engineer, 21 April 1821
The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Jonas Jowett, the paternal grand father and only next of kin and tutor or guardian of Jonas, Hannah, Mary, Rachel and Elizabeth Jowett, minors, the natural and lawful children and only next of kin of William Jowett late of Horton, maltster, deceased.....
Signed by name Jonas Jowett, Samuel Lumby and Machael Billingsley.
I do hereby certify that on the 21st day of April in the year of our lord 1821, Jonas Jowett the administrator within named was sworn duly to administer, and that the whole of the goods, chattels and credits of the deceased within mentioned, within the diocese of York, do not amount in value to the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds.
Witness my hand Thos Howorth Surrogate
Passed 8 May 1821, under £1500.
Died 25 April 1820 [sic]
Tuition papers for William Jowett of Horton in the parish of Bradford and county of York, maltster, presented by his father Jonas Jowett of Horton, gent, Samuel Lumby of Horton, farmer, and Michael Billinglsey of Bowling, engineer, 21 April 1821
I do hereby certify that on the 21st day of April in the year of our lord 1821, Jonas Jowett the tutor within named was sworn duly to execute his office before me
Thos Howorth Surrogate
Tutor passed 8th May 1821
An inventory of the effects of William Jowett late of Horton in the parish of Bradford in the county of York, maltster, deceased.
William Jowetts debts already paid and expenses unused amount to ....£596.18s.10 1/2d
Debts remaining to be paid....£654.7s.0 d
Total....£1250.15s.10 1/2d
The household goods, malt and debts ruined in part have produced....£1050.12s.6 d
Supposed good debts to collect....£327.0s.7 d
From which deduct supposed bad debts....£221.14s.2 d
£105.6s.5 d
Total....£1155.18s.11 d
£1250.15s.10 1/2d
£1155.10.11 d
£94.16s.11 d
Sworn at Idle in the parish of Calverley in the county and diocese of York the twenty first day of April 1821 (Jonas Jowett)
Before me Thos Howorth, Surrogate.
Admin papers for Jonas Jowett late of Thornton in the parish of Bradford in the Diocese of York, mason, presented by his widow Hannah Jowett of Thornton, Thomas Barker of Thornton, Yeoman and Joseph Thwaites of Thornton, cabinet maker, 3 Feb 1836
Signed by name, Thomas Barker and Joseph Thwaites, with the mark of Hannah Jowett
I do hereby certify that on the 3rd day of February in the year of our Lord 1836, Hannah Jowett, the administratrix within named was duly sworn before me to administer. And that the whole of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the deceased within mentioned within the Diocese of York do not amount in value to the sum of fifty pounds.
Witness my Hand Henry Heap, Surrogate.
Passed 20th February 1836, under £50
Copyright S D Jowitt