Inventory of Abraham Jewett of Rowley, September 29 1694.

Abraham Jewett is not a direct descendant of either Joseph or Maximillian Jewett, original settlers of Rowley, but he and his brother John are almost certainly relatives, most likely nephews, sons of William Jowett who did not emigrate with his brothers to the New World but chose to stay in Bradford. William was the eldest son of Edward Jowett, clothier of Bradford.

To quote from FC Jewett’s "History and Genealogy of the Jewetts of America:

"Abraham Jewett and John Jewett first appear in the Rowley records the same month and day when each take a wife, and from many acts and business dealings seem in some way connected with Maximillian and Joseph Jewett, although there is no record of a relationship.

There is an old family legend, handed down from Generation to Generation that Maximillian and Joseph Jewett were accompanied to America by a nephew or nephews, and it may be, and in fact, is possible, that Abraham and John Jewett were the sons of William Jewett (sic) the eldest son of Edward."

This Inventory – which, as far as I am aware has not been published before – adds weight to that theory in that the three apprisers are Ezekiel, Joseph and Nehemiah Jewett, all descendants of Joseph and Max, further reinforcing the idea of family ties.

Essex Co. By the honourable Barth Gedney Esqr. Judge of probate etc. for the County at Rowley, September ye 29th 1694. Admon of all and singular the goods chattels rights and credits of Abraham Jewett late of Rowley, deceased, granted with suretyse for her admin according to law.

An Inventory of the estate of Abraham Jewett, deceased, late of Rowley, taken the 30th Aprill 1694 by us whose names are subscribed. Apprized as pay, not as mony:




Imps: Dwelling House and other buildings, commonage orchard and plowground about it all, about four acres as inclosed with about tenn rods of land on ye other side of ye way having apple trees on it.




Item. Brass Iron pewter and xlin ware and vessels and utensils of household stuff




Item. Wooden and earthenware books (sic) of glasses, tools and implements of husbandry




Item, Apparell, arms and amunition, beds and bedding, bedsteads, chests and boxes, wheels, tables, cupboards, chairs and cushings




Item. Quick and lining stock sadle pillion Seails, weights, hemp and tow (?); tubbs, baggs, baskets, corne, meat, leather etc.




Item. Debts due to his estate








Item. Debts due from his estate




Clear Estate £




The above apprisement made and taken by us the day above written as witness our hands:

Ezekiel Jewett
Joseph Jewett
Nehemiah Jewett

Essex Co: Before ye Hon Barth Gedney esqr. Judge of ye probate for ye County of Sepr. Ye 29th 1694, Ann Jewett admr. made oath that the above is a true and perfect inventory of the goods chattels rights and credits of her late husband Abraham Jewett deceased to ye best of her knowledge and if more comes to her knowledge she will further give an account of ye same.

Sworne attest Stephen Sewell Regr.

Source: 0860485: Old series probate records v. 301-303, Bk 1-3. With thanks to Angela Peterson for supplying the original copy. Transcribed and Copyright S D Jowitt Feb 2000.

Copyright S D Jowitt